the bloggiest blogger blogging a blog

not so much anymore

Thursday, October 05, 2006


So, it's that time of year again. ya know, where we make a shed with wood and cover it up with trees, in our backyard, and then eat and sleep in it. Yea, SUKKOS! Now that seems really weird to people who have know idea what it's about--think how weird it is when people put the sukkah in the front yard! It looks completely crazy! at least when it's in the back, they don't really see it. Except for your backyard neighbors--but they already know how insane we are because when you are in your backyard you don't think people know what you're doing and therfore act freely/ crazily. Well, I kinda do anyways- chasing after the dog, jumping around.
Well, I think that some people are crazy no matter where they are. For example, my completely normal and sane neighbor across the street, just twirled in a circle in order to open a big paper bag. And me, i guess, could also be an example. I shovel apples from our apple tree into a bag that is being held open with one of those fertilizer/ ice-melting salt spreaders. And then there's my mother who instead of using the rake to gather the apples, uses the dog's pooper-scooper.
So yea, there are some people who are crazy no matter what.
But on the other hand, there's the opinion, rightly expressed by my friend (clearly half a world away both physically and mentally) that " I think people are normal wherever you go." I don't know what kind of people she knows, but whatever.
"To each his own" as the saying goes.

So it's pretty cool, that it's sukkos already. I remember last sukkos, and it's weird that it's been an entire year already! It's so weird, yet also cool, how much can happen, how much people can change in a whole year. And yet, there's always the stuff that stays the same. I think those are the things that keep it from seeming like a whole year has passed.

So that's it. Nothing truely profound.


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